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2 months to go!


We're just over the 2 months to go point until Signed For You is live and I honestly could not be more excited if I tried!

I have been working on my debut novel for around 3 years on and off at this stage and although I don't think I'll ever be able to look at it and think it's perfect(I'm very critical of my own work), I do think it's at a really good stage.

I can not wait to share Signed For You with the world. Part of me is terrified of people officially reading my work in case everyone hates it and tells me I'm an awful writer and then the other part of me is terrified thst no one will read it. If you can't already tell, I'm a very anxious person that overthinks A LOT😂

Raising my hot chocolate in cheers to nearing the 2 month pre release date ☕

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